Rabbit Rocker
This was made from instuctions on the mini works website.

Acorn Dolls House Club Projects
I am a member of the Acorn Dolls House and miniatures club which meets the first or second Wednesday of
every month in Horsforth, near Leeds. You can e-mail me for more information if you're interested.
Each month we have at least one demonstraction by one of our members of a project we can go away and
complete at our leisure. In addition we often get set briefs for projects to bring along to future meetings, it is not
compulsary to participate, but it is lots of fun.
Market Stall
Our Brief was as a team to make something using Mount Board as the basis.
We decided to make a series of market stalls, mine can be seen below. The overall dimensions were decided upon.
The base of the stall is 6inches by 3 inches by 3 inches, and the overall stall is 8inches high. I made mine into a
DIY stall, making many of the items myself.
DIY Market Stall |

Halloween Scene
This scene was made for our October club meeting. The brief was simply to make a seasonal scene.
I made the pumpkins out of seed pods from giant poppies that were growing in my garden. The fence is made from lollipop
sticks painted white. The grass and soil are railway texture grass and dried tea. The skulls are beads, the bones
are homemade from fimo, as are the frogs.
